Rubria Rocha de Luna is specializing in quantitative methods from the Digital Humanities field to approach texts from cultural narratives and social media. Her current work revolves around digital rhetoric through text and data mining of the visual and textual content of social media posts from groups of returned migrants to Mexico. Other research interests are: digital archiving and preservation, visual culture and memory.
Research Fields
- Visual Culture
- Digital Humanities, Minimal computing
- Public Digital Humanities
- Digital and Visual Rhetoric in new media and social media
- Use of technology for social justice
- Text Mining
- Return Migration
- Migrant’s Associations
- Representations of migrants (written and visual narrative)
Research Experience
• Director Redes, migrantes sin fronteras -a non-profit digital initiative supported by the Center of Digital Humanities Research (CoDHR) at Texas A&M University- (2020-)
• Graduate Research Assistant –ASECS Graduate Fellow– (2015-16)
Center of Digital Humanities Research (CoDHR). Texas A&M University
• Graduate Research Assistant The Cervantes Project Digital Archive (spring, 2015)
Center of Digital Humanities Research (CoDHR). Texas A&M University
• Student Technician –Hispanic 18thConnect– (summer, 2014)
Center of Digital Humanities Research (CoDHR). Texas A&M University
• Research Assistant – Washington State University, College of Education, (spring, 2012)
Interviews to Hispanic population and translation of surveys about family and divorce.
• Research Assistant -Washington State University, College of Food Science- (fall, 2010)
Management of focus groups on Hispanic population related to cooking practices.
Peer-review articles
• Fernández, Sylvia, Rocha de Luna, Rubria, and Zapata, Annette. “El caso de United Fronteras: Computación mínima para desafiar fronteras en las humanidades digitales poscoloniales” Digital Humanities Quarterly, vol.16, no. 2, 2022.
• Rocha de Luna, Rubria and Zavala García, Alicia. “Humanidades públicas digitales: Construyendo una comunidad digital solidaria en Redes, migrantes sin fronteras.” Hispania, vol. 104 no. 4, 2021, p. 691-703.
• Rocha de Luna, Rubria. “La iniciación en el conocimiento de la sexualidad como elemento de conflicto en las experiencias de Ana en Cría Cuervos”. Language and Literature Journal. 7. 1 (2012). Web. -This article has been part of the required readings for the Spanish Cinema graduate course at the University of Birmingham since Spring 2013. For the 2018-2019 syllabi, taught by Dr. Francis Lough-
Other articles
• Rocha de Luna, Rubria. “Seamos aliados”. Reflexiones, Torn Apart/Separados Vol. 2.
• Rocha de Luna, Rubria. Rev. of Humanizing Deportation -Digital Archive by Robert Irwing-. Reviews in Digital Humanities. Aug/Sep, 2020
• Rocha de Luna, Rubria. Rev. of Cristina Rivera Garza. Ningún crítico cuenta esto… by Oswaldo Estrada. Chasqui: Revista de Literatura Latinoamericana. May, 2013: 42.1.
Invited Speaker
• Rocha de Luna, Rubria. Paper on Redes, migrantes sin fronteras for the “Migration, Storytelling and Digital Solidarity (Panel).” United Fronteras DH Symposium 2021. June 2-4, 2021.
• Rocha de Luna, Rubria. “Construcción de la justicia social: Diálogo con mujeres promotoras de la equidad, género e inclusión social.” Panelist. Mujeres inspirando tu mejor versión: Un espacio para conmemorar el Día Internacional de la Mujer 2021. Centro de Equidad de Género e Inclusión, Universidad de Monterrey. March, 2021.
Conference papers and roundtables
• Rocha de Luna, Rubria. Position paper on “Creating United Fronteras (Roundtable).” United Fronteras DH Symposium 2021. June 2-4, 2021.
• Rocha de Luna, Rubria. Position paper on “Reviews in DH Borderlands Special Issue (Roundtable). United Fronteras DH Symposium 2021. June 2-4, 2021.
• Dosani, K.M., Rocha de Luna, R., Chen, E.C., Munoz de Zubiria, G., & Valdivia Vazquez, J.A. (2020, August) Fostering empowerment and resilience through digital activism in psychological practice. Poster presented at the 127th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.
• Rocha de Luna, Rubria. “Redes, migrantes sin fronteras: la tecnología y su aplicación como proyecto social”. Paper to be presented at the session: “Our Common Humanity: Voces de resistencias”. XXXVIII International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, (LASA). Guadalajara, Mexico. May 13-16, 2020.
• Rocha de Luna, Rubria. “United Fronteras: Un archivo digital como acto de resistencia”. Paper presented at the VIII Jornada de Fronteras/Borderlands: Cultura e Historia. Tecnológico de Monterrey. Monterrey, Mexico. October 3-4, 2019.
• Rocha de Luna, Rubria. “El uso de la tecnología al servicio de la justicia social en el proyecto Redes, migrantes sin fronteras”. Paper presented at the VIII Jornada de Fronteras/Borderlands: Cultura e Historia. Tecnológico de Monterrey. Monterrey, Mexico. October 3-4, 2019.
• Chen, Eric C., Valdivia Vazquez, Juan Antonio, Dosani, Kabeel M., Munoz De Zubiria, Gabriela, & Rocha de Luna, Rubria. “Promoting Resilience and Psychological Sense of Community among Displaced Migrants.” Poster for the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL. August 8-11, 2019.
• Valdivia, Juan A., Rocha de Luna, Rubria. “Human rights and leadership ties: Describing how DACA returnees and Mexican people are reshaping Mexico´s environment.” Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA. August 9-12, 2018.
• Rocha de Luna, Rubria, Mandell, Laura. “Hispanic 18th Connect: una nueva plataforma para la investigación digital en español.” DH2018, Mexico City, Mexico, June 26-29, 2018.
• Rocha de Luna, Rubria. “Las diversas narrativas de las asociaciones de ayuda a los inmigrantes retornados a México. Un análisis retórico digital.” Congreso Internacional México Transatlántico: México en el mundo, el mundo en México. Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey. March 20-23, 2018.
• Rocha de Luna, Rubria. Position paper on Erin Zivin’s Figurative Inquisitions, Conversion, Torture, and Truth in Luso-Hispanic Atlantic book presentation. New Directions in Latin American Literary and Cultural Studies. University of Texas at Dallas. October 24, 2014
• Rocha de Luna, Rubria. “De perra fiel a Perra Brava: el desvanecimiento de la línea divisoria entre narcotraficantes y sociedad”. Resistance and Occupation, Graduate Student Conference. University of Oregon, Department of Romance Languages. November 9-10, 2012.
• Crawford, J.K., Trevisan, D.A., Owens, R.W., Adesope, O.O. Rocha de Luna, R., Hill, L.G., & Sheppard, A. Post program changes among parents attending divorce education program. Association of Family and Conciliations Courts Annual Convention, Chicago, IL. (June, 2012).
• Rocha de Luna, Rubria. “El laberinto de la corrupción mexicana en Lo de antes de Luis Spota”. The Labyrinths, Fourt Bi-annual conference of the Department of French, Hispanic and Italian Studies. University of British Columbia. September 30, 2011.
• Rocha de Luna, Rubria. “Cadena Perpetua: El retorno de lo de antes en la vida de un ex presidiario”. CINE-LIT VII: An International Conference on Hispanic Film and Fiction. Portland State University. February 24, 2011.
• Rocha de Luna, Rubria. “Las manifestaciones eróticas de Cuca Martínez en Te di la vida entera”. XXXVI Congreso Anual de Literaturas Hispánicas. Lo erótico (o su contrario) en la literatura y el cine. Indiana University of Pennsylvania. October 22, 2010.