Confine USA-Messico: situazione drammatica, anche con Biden by Beatrice Chioccioli. Voci Globali. April 27, 2021. Interview about the current situation of migration in the Mexico-U.S. border and the work of the digital project Redes, migrantes sin fronteras.
Rubria Rocha: la mexicana que ayuda con tecnología a los migrantes by Elisa Villa Román. Milenio Diario. February 26, 2021. Interview about the work on the digital project Redes, migrantes sin fronteras.
Investing In Mexico’s Future. Monitor on Psychology. April 1, 2019.
Interview for the American Psychological Association about the research work with Mexican returnees.
Program piloted to help online students connect. WSU Insider. August 16, 2012.
Interview about the use of VoiceThread in the design of Spanish online courses at Washington State University’s Global Campus.